2023 Midyear New and Revised Standards

RTP, NC, August 28, 2023 – AATCC publishes standards that have been approved since the new year release of the AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures. The standards are available for download from the AATCC store. Get access to either the full set of midyear standards or individual standards.
This year, twenty-one (21) approved standards have been developed or revised since publication of the 2023 volume of the AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures. This includes new Lab Procedures, one for using bleach in home laundering and another for preparing synthetic soil as well as one new standard for measuring condensation. Of the 21 approved standards, three were newly developed, nine test methods were revised, and nine other test methods were editorially revised.
Get access to the full set of midyear standards for the price of 3 individual standards!
2023 New Test Methods and Lab Procedures
The new test method and laboratory procedures are as follows:
AATCC TM214-2022, Test Method for Measuring Condensation on Textiles in a Humid Microclimate:
The purpose of this newly developed test method is to measure water condensation accumulation in the innermost (back) surface of fabrics in a humid microclimate, with and without simulated precipitation on the outermost (face) fabric surface. The method is applicable to fabrics or multi-layer fabric systems. Read more about TM 214 at www.aatcc.org/tm214/.
This new test method was developed by RA63 in 2022. RA63 is the Water Resistance, Absorbency & Wetting Agent Evaluation research committee that is responsible for developing test methods for evaluation of water-resistance and repellency of textiles.
AATCC LP04-2023, Laboratory Procedure for Synthetic Soil:
Synthetic soil was developed for standardized carpet soiling. It is used as a soiling option for stain and soiling evaluations. Though synthetic soil originated from carpet-related methods, its use is not limited and can be used in other methods requiring a synthetic soil application. Read more about LP4 at www.aatcc.org/improved-soil-standards/.
This new laboratory procedure was developed by RA57 in 2023. RA57 is the Floor Covering Test Methods research committee that is responsible for developing test methods that will reliably predict the use characteristics of all types of floor coverings.
AATCC LP5-2023, Laboratory Procedure for Home Laundering with Bleach:
This new procedure provides standard conditions for home laundering with bleach, using an automatic washing machine. Option 1 is for sodium hypochlorite (“chlorine bleach”). Option 2 is for sodium percarbonate (“non-chlorine bleach”). This test is applicable to all fabrics and end products suitable for home laundering. It may be used to determine whether a sample is suitable for laundering.
This new laboratory procedure was developed by RA88 in 2023. RA88 is the Home Laundering Technology research committee which aims to encourage and promote discussions on current developments and problems associated with the use of standard and new chemical materials, including soaps and detergents, bleaches, water and fabric softeners, enzymes, and any other auxiliaries available to the consumer for use in home laundering and coin-operated machines, which may affect color, performance and special functional finishes and the ecology.
Want to take part in developing test methods?
Register now for the Research Committee Meetings!
AATCC Research Committee Meetings
November 7-9
Research Triangle Park, NC & Virtual (MS Teams)
2023 Editorially Revised Test Methods and Evaluation Procedures
The editorially revised test methods and evaluation procedures are as follows:
AATCC TM20A-2021e, Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Quantitative: Editorially revised in 2023 to update numbering in section 17.
AATCC TM43-1952e6(2018) e3, Test Method for Wetting Agents for Mercerization: Editorially revised in 2023 to move the History section.
AATCC TM61-2013e (2020) e2, Test Method for Colorfastness to Laundering: Accelerated: Editorially revised in 2023 to update designation and History section.
AATCC TM79-2010e2(2018) e3, Test Method for Absorbency of Textiles: Editorially revised in 2023 to move History section.
AATCC TM107-2022e, Test Method for Colorfastness to Water: Editorially revised in 2023 to correct misspelling.
AATCC TM163-2013(2020) e4, Test Method for Colorfastness to Storage: Dye Transfer: Editorially revised in 2023 to update history.
AATCC TM174-2022e, Test Method for Antimicrobial Activity of New Carpets: Editorially revised in 2023 to correct section formatting.
AATCC EP10-2018e2, Evaluation Procedure for Multifiber Adjacent Fabrics: Editorially revised 2023 to clarify the Notes section and to move the History section.
AATCC EP14-2021e2, AATCC Evaluation Procedure for Small Color Differences: Editorially revised in 2023 to correct a typo.
Withdrawn Standards
These standards will no longer be included in the full year publication of the AATCC Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures.
AATCC TM142, Test Method for Appearance of flocked Fabrics after Home Laundering and/or Coin-Op Dry Cleaning
AATCC TM96, Test Method for Dimensional Changes in Commercial Laundering of Woven and Knitted Fabrics Except Wool
2023 Revised Test Methods
The revised test methods are as follows:
AATCC TM16.1-2023, Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Outdoor: Revised in 2023 to align to AATCC style guide.
AATCC TM16.2-2023, Test Method for Colorfastness to Light: Carbon-Arc: Revised in 2023 to align to AATCC style guide.
AATCC TM111-2023, Test Method for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Exposure to Daylight and Weather: Revised in 2023 to align with the AATCC style guide.
AATCC TM149-2023, Test Method for Chelation Value of Aminopolycarboxylic Acids and Their Salts: Calcium Oxalate: Revised in 2023 to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines.
AATCC TM161-2023, Test Method for Color Change of Disperse Dyes Caused by Metals, with and without Chelating Agent: Revised in 2023 to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines.
AATCC TM168-2023, Test Method for Chelation Value of Polyaminopolycarboxylic Acids and Their Salts: Copper PAN: Revised in 2023 to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines.
AATCC TM179-2023, Test Method for Skew Change in Fabrics After Home Laundering: Revised in 2023 to add that optionally, the direction of skew may be reported.
AATCC TM186-2023, Test Method for Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure: Revised in 2023 for clarity and to align with style guidelines.
AATCC TM192-2023, Test Method for Weather Resistance of Textiles: Sunshine-Arc Lamp Exposure with and Without Wetting: Revised in 2023 to align to the AATCC style guide.
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AATCC committee meetings are working meetings. They are also an opportunity to meet people from across industry and around the world. Whether the discussion focuses on defining sustainability or choosing the location for an upcoming conference, there is always something new to learn and room to share.
AATCC connects the global textile community to empower an innovative, informed, and sustainable future. Headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, AATCC has provided standards development, testing materials, educational resources, and professional networking to the global textile industry for more than a century.