U.S. Trade Resources

INDA helps you navigate government issues that affect your business. If you have any questions relating to trade remedies or tariffs, below are some helpful resources. For INDA Members needing more assistance, contact Wes Fisher, INDA Director of Government Affairs, wfisher@inda.org.
Resources Regarding Alleged Dumping and other Anti-Competitive Trade Practices
EC Petition Counseling (trade.gov)
Any sort of discussion for trade remedy counseling should be referred to Enforcement and Compliance (E&C) within the International Trade Administration. E&C has a very detailed website with plenty of information and FAQs on antidumping and the actions that can be taken: U.S. antidumping and countervailing duties
E&C also has a very vibrant and active pre-petition counseling group. You can reach them at EC Petition Counseling (trade.gov). Through E&C, a company can submit an email with the issue/complaint and then E&C will reach out to discuss with you.
Key Resources to look up Tariff (Duty) Rates
- Agricultural Tariff Tracker
- Canada
- Customs Info Database (Descartes) – This tariff search tool allows you to search duty rates MFN (standard) and Free Trade Agreement (preferential) as well as local taxes for over 170 countries. This database is free but requires registration. You will need your 6-digit HS code to conduct the search. This database also includes FTA duties. Free: requires registration.
- Harmonized Tariff Schedule Search
- European Union Tariffs (TARIC) (use tariff rates listed for exports to 27 EU member countries.
- FTA Tariff Tool (Incorporates all products, including agricultural and non-agricultural goods).
- South Africa Customs Union (SACU)
- WTO Tariff Database: tariffdata.wto.org/ (use the “Applied Rates”). List of duty rates of World Trade Organization member countries). Requires registration.
Section 301 Tariff Resources
USTR’s webpage – Section 301-China Technology Transfer / Tariff Actions and Exclusion Process at https://ustr.gov/issue-areas/enforcement/section-301-investigations/tariff-actions is the best official source for Section 301 info.
- COVID Exclusions
- Reinstatement of Certain Exclusions Previously extended
- Four-Year Review
- Search Tariff Lists
There is also the USITC’s Press Release Page. The USITC will obviously release all sorts of announcements, but you can do a quick ctrl+f and search for 301 to see if anything new has been made public.
For assistance or questions with the Four-Year Review or Exclusions Process, please contact the USTR Section 301 Hotline at (202) 395-5725.
If you have suggestions for additional resources, please contact Wes Fisher, Director of Government Affairs, wfisher@inda.org.