AATCC 2022 International Manual of Test Methods and Procedures

RTP, NC, January 4, 2022 – AATCC standards are developed, specified, and performed around the world. Volume 97 of The AATCC International Manual of Test Methods and Procedures will be available beginning January 2022. USB editions and PDF versions of individual standards will be available on January 4, 2022. The hardbound version will be available for purchase after January 15, 2022. To purchase a 2022 Technical Manual, click here for the USB version or here for the hardbound book. You can also email ordering@aatcc.org to purchase a Technical Manual.
The following AATCC standards have been developed, revised, or reaffirmed since the publication of the 2021 volume of the Manual of International Test Methods and Procedures. In accordance with AATCC M13, Rules of Procedure for AATCC Test Method and Technology Committees, all technical changes are unanimously approved by the responsible research committee and the Technical Committee on Research (TCR) before publication.
AATCC TM6-2021 Test Method for Colorfastness to Acids and Alkalis. Revised to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines.
AATCC TM15-2021, Test Method for Colorfastness to Perspiration. Revised for clarity and to add a history section.
AATCC TM20-2021 Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Qualitative. Revised to update Table V.
AATCC TM20A-2021 Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Quantitative. Revised to correct Table I.
AATCC TM35-2018e2 Test Method for Water Resistance: Rain. Editorially revised to remove excess wording from Figure 2 and to add history.
AATCC TM 110-2021 Test Method for Whiteness of Textiles. Revised for clarity and to add history section to align with AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC TM114-2021 Test Method for Retained Chlorine: Tensile Loss. Revised to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines.
AATCC TM118-2020e Test Method for Oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance. Editorially revised to update from CAS# 8012-95-1 (which is paraffin oil) to CAS #8042-47-5 (which is white mineral oil) to correct the reference.
AATCC TM133-2020e Test Method for Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing. Editorially revised to update test method reference to match current title.
AATCC TM148-2014e4(2021) Test Method for Light Blocking Effect of Textiles and Related Materials: Photo-detector. Reaffirmed and editorially revised to add history per AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC TM163-2013(2020)e2 Test Method for Colorfastness to Storage: Dye Transfer. Editorially revised to update history order.
AATCC TM165-1999e10(2021)e Test Method for Colorfastness to Crocking: Textile Floor Coverings—Crock-meter. Reaffirmed and editorially revised to include history section per the AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC TM173, Test Method for Calculation of Small Color Differences for Acceptability. Withdrawn and replaced with AATCC EP14, Evaluation Procedure for Small Color Differences.
AATCC TM182-2021 Test Method for Relative Color Strength of Dyes in Solution. Revised to clarify the wavelength requirements, update terms, and add history section to align with AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC TM185-2021 Test Method for Chelating Agent Content in Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach Baths: Copper PAN Indicator. Revised to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines.
AATCC TM191-2021 Test Method for Acid Cellulase Enzyme Treatment of Cellulosic Fabrics. Revised to clarify and align with prescribed AATCC style guidelines.
AATCC TM196-2011e3(2021) Test Method for Colorfastness to Sodium Hypochlorite of a Textile Floor Covering. Reaffirmed in 2021.
AATCC TM203-2021 Test Method for Light Blocking Effect of Textiles: Spectrophotometric. Revised for clarity and to add history section per AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC TM211-2021 Test Method for the Reduction of Bacterial Odor on Antibacterial-Treated Textiles. NEW method used to supplement current industry test methods and directly address odor caused by bacteria not simply organism numbers. It allows for measurement of odor and the capacity for odor reduction by treated articles.
AATCC TM212-2021 Test Method for the Fiber Fragment Release During Home Laundering: Accelerated. NEW method used to measure the fiber fragment shedding from fabrics in an accelerated laundering setting.
AATCC EP6-2021 Evaluation Procedure for Instrumental Color Measurement. Revised for clarity and to add history section to align with AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC EP7-2021 Evaluation Procedure for Instrumental Assessment of the Change in Color of a Test Specimen. Revised to remove table option and restructure calculations for clarity.
AATCC EP9-2021 Evaluation Procedure for Visual Assessment of Color Difference of Textiles. Revised to update steps in Table III and to align with AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC EP11-2021e Evaluation Procedure for UV Energy of Optically Brightened Textiles: Spectrophotometer Calibration. Revised to update reference to ASTM E308 table references and to add history section per the AATCC Style Guide. Editorially revised the AATCC ordering process and clarified stability and storage.
AATCC EP13-2021 Evaluation Procedure for Electrical Resistance of Electronically Integrated Textiles. Revised to update steps in Table III and to align with the AATCC Style Guide.
AATCC EP14-2021 Evaluation Procedure for Small Color Differences. NEW Evaluation Procedure to replace AATCC TM173, Test Method for Calculation of Small Color Differences for Acceptability.
AATCC LP1-2021 Laboratory Procedure for Home Laundering: Machine Washing. Revised to update the tables and add Type 4 ballast.
AATCC M3-2008(2021)e2 High Efficiency Washers in North America. Reaffirmed in 2021.
AATCC M11-2021 Glossary of AATCC Standard Terminology. Revised to add terminology.
About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.