AATCC Announces 2023-2024 Board Nominations

RTP, NC, June 17, 2022 – The AATCC nominating committee presents the following candidates for 2023-2024 Board of Directors roles. Biographies of all candidates will be included in the next issue of this magazine. Senior members will receive a ballot for their designated region and interest group in September. Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting, preceding the Technical Committee on Research (TCR) meeting in November 2022.
To verify or update your voting interest group or local section, please log in and visit https://members.aatcc.org/person/Modify.html. You do NOT need to select the section where you live or work. You may join all four interest groups, but only select one for voting rights. This is also a good opportunity to update contact information and other profile details. Please make any changes by August 1 to ensure you receive the correct ballot. Write-in nominations for President-elect, with at least 50 signatures, and Regional Board or Interest Group representatives, with at least 25 signatures, will also be accepted through August 1.
Andrew Fraser
Regional Representatives
Central Atlantic
Patrick Ayers
Nelson Houser
New England
Bethany Pollack
Ashley Handley
Southeast Asia
Ashis Kumar Samanta
Karen Muhlin
Interest Group Representatives
Chemical Applications: Chair
Sabyasachi Gaan
Chemical Applications: At-large
Dennis Scheer
Morgan Bakhshaee
Concept 2 Consumer: Chair
Tom Stutts
Concept 2 Consumer: At-large
Tammie Rollins
Materials: Chair
Christina Rapa
Materials: At-large
Apurba Banerjee
Rising Professionals: Chair
Jessica Brooks
Rising Professionals: At-large
Bryan Ormond
Sarah Plautz
Congratulations to all candidates! To verify or update your voting interest group or local section, please log in and visit https://members.aatcc.org/person/Modify.html.
About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.