AATCC Announces Chapin Award Winner

RTP, NC, November 4, 2021 – In recognition of her outstanding service to the Association, AATCC has named Elizabeth A. Eggert as the recipient of the Harold C. Chapin Award for her contributions and support in the area of test method research and development.
AATCC Activities
Eggert joined AATCC in 1991. She is active on several research committees and has served on some for more than 20 years. Eggert has served on the Home Laundering Technology committee since 1999 and was secretary of this committee from 2012 through 2019. During this tenure, Eggert rewrote several AATCC monographs on home laundering and was instrumental in implementing major changes to related standards. She has been a member of Color Measurement Test Methods, Antimicrobial Activity Test Methods, and Stain Resistance Test Methods committees since 2000. She also joined the Evaluation of Materials & Products for End Use Performance Test Method committee in 2000 and served as chair from 2005 through 2007. She has been a member of the Colorfastness to Washing Test Methods committee since 2002, and the Electronically Integrated Textiles Test Methods committee since 2016.
Eggert served on the AATCC International Test Methods committee as ISO Spokesperson from 2007 through 2017. In addition, she was appointed to the Technical Committee on Research (TCR) and served from 2002 through 2017; she chaired this committee from 2007 through 2009. She was appointed to the Executive Committee on Research (ECR) in 2004 and chaired this committee from 2010 through 2012. As chair of ECR, she served on the AATCC Board of Directors and as vice-president on the AATCC Foundation Board of Directors.
Eggert also served on a number of other AATCC administrative committees, including the Harold C. Chapin Award Committee, the TCR Service Award Committee, the Awards Oversight Committee, the Committee on Conferences, and the Education Advisory Board. She served on the Subject and Speakers Bureau. Eggert was active in the Midwest Section, serving as secretary in 2002, vice chair in 2003, chair in 2004, and councilor in 2005.
Eggert earned a BS in Textile Science from The Ohio State University (OSU). She also earned a course certificate from the Harvard School of Business in Disruptive Strategy. She received the New Leader Award from OSU.
She has been with Procter & Gamble since 1998 and was recognized with the Procter & Gamble CEO Award. Eggert is also a member of ASTM and is the current Chair of D12- Soaps and Other Detergents, and a member of D13 (Textiles).
The Chapin Award
The Chapin Award was established in 1958 in honor of Harold C. Chapin, professor of chemistry at Lowell Textile School, who served as national secretary of AATCC for nearly 25 years. The Association will present the Chapin Scroll during the AATCC Textile Discovery Summit Awards Luncheon that will take place in Durham, NC, USA on November 18, 2021.
About AATCC: AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals since 1921. AATCC, headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for members in about 50 countries throughout the world.
For a complete list of our esteemed past award recipients, visit https://aatcc.org/chapin/#tab-1