One of Bavaria’s most distinguished entrepreneurs, Dr. Christian Heinrich Sandler turns 70.

Schwarzenbach/Saale × Germany, August 16, 2023 – On August 18, 2023, Dr. Christian Heinrich Sandler celebrates his 70th birthday. Sandler AG’s Chairman of the Board is one of the most prominent entrepreneurs in Bavaria, even outside his home region. He is the fourth generation to head the Sandler family business. Nonwovens specialist Sandler AG, headquartered in Schwarzenbach (Saale), Bavaria, with production sites in Schwarzenbach and in Perry, Georgia, is today one of the 20 largest nonwovens producers in the world. Sandler AG manufactures nonwovens for a broad range of applications ranging from tender webs for personal hygiene items to self-supporting acoustical panels.
For 25 years, Dr. Sandler has been fighting for the interests of the industry as president of the Bavarian Textile and Clothing Industry Association (VTB). Also, for a quarter of a century, Dr. Sandler has served as vice president of the Bavarian Business Association (vbw). Dr. Sandler is a recipient of the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class, as well as the Bavarian Order of Merit.
The exorbitant rise in energy costs in particular is a current concern not only for the textile and apparel industry. As president of the industry association, Dr. Sandler is fighting vigorously to maintain the competitiveness of German enterprises. This commitment, in turn, puts another issue on hold for a while: The thought of retirement, sufficiently justified for a 70-year-old, is currently being overshadowed by the challenging times that face the industry as a whole. Yet the course for the future of Sandler AG has already been set. Dr. Sandler’s nephew Philipp Ebbinghaus, 38, joined the Management Board on January 1 of this year, where he will steer the company’s fortunes together with Dr. Ulrich Hornfeck, 53.