North American Nonwoven Materials Annual Study 2022

This new report details the 2022 key metrics for capacity, production, and operating rates for the overall nonwoven material industry.

- North American capacity continues to increase with investments being made across all the processes and for a variety of end-uses.
- In 2022, capacity of nonwovens in North America reached 5.565 million tonnes, an increase from the previous year of 2.4% (net growth of 128,700 tonnes).
- North American imports, in tonnage, decreased 24.3% in 2022 and exports decreased 16.3%.
The geographic scope for this study is Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This study presents the detailed capacity and production for the North American nonwovens industry in 2022 based on actual surveys and interviews with nonwoven producers. It also compares 2022 data to prior data points from previous INDA surveys and INDA publications.
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